Joint Injection

SA injection: verbal consent obtained; 80 mg of Kenalog + 8 ml of 1% Lidocaine; 25 g 1.5 inch needle; no immediate complications

Knee injection: verbal consent obtained; 80 mg of Kenalog + 3 ml of 1% Lidocaine; 21 g 1.5 inch needle; anteromedial approach; no immediate complications

Euflexxa  injection: verbal consent obtained; 2 ml of Euflexxa;  21 g 1.5 inch needle; anteromedial approach; no immediate complications

Knee aspiration: verbal consent obtained; via lateral PFJ approach using aseptic technique; 18 g 1 inch needle; 60 ml of serous non purulent synovial fluid aspirated from left knee; 80 mg of Kenalog + 3 ml of 1% Lidocaine instilled into knee;  no immediate complications

Trigger Point injection: verbal consent obtained; 25 g 1.5 inch needle; 1% Lidocaine 1 cc + 0.5% Bupivicaine 1 cc; Cold Spray; quadrant technique; no immediate complications