Hospital Management of COVID-19
Note: This page was most recently updated at the end of 2021, and does not yet reflect the new oral anti-virals or new guidance regarding steroids and immunomodulators.
Inpatient Management of COVID-19 Respiratory Failure
For inpatient treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia with acute respiratory failure (aka, people with a positive COVID-19 test who need oxygen to keep their SPO2 > 92%).
Oxygen therapy levels
Titrate oxygen for SPO2 > 92%
Oxygen delivery modalities, stepwise:
Simple face-mask (avoid)
Non-Rebreather (face-mask with bag, also avoid)
Nasal cannula
Venturi Mask / Oxymask
High-Flow Nasal Cannula
Intubation & Ventilator
Non-medication adjuncts
Incentive spirometry (IS) at bedside (how to use IS)
Encourage patients to "self-prone" by changing position every 30 minutes, choosing between sitting up, left side, back, right side, stomach. (Note: Qian et. al 2022 suggests that self-proning in non-intubated patients may not confer benefit.)
For all patients requiring oxygen (respiratory failure)
Dexamethasone 6 mg IV or PO q24 hours for 10 days
Remdesivir 200 mg IV x 1, then 100mg IV q24 hours for 5 days, or
For high risk patients, or anybody that acutely worsens
It is not yet clear whether baricitinib or tocilizumab is superior. Choice depends mostly on availability and institutional practice.
An anti-inflammatory medication, either:
Baricitinib 4 mg PO for 14 days, or
Tocilizumab 8mg/kg (weight >= 30kg) or 12mg/kg (weight < 30kg) IV infusion x 1 (max dose 800 mg)
If bacterial pneumonia suspected
2-3% of COVID-19 pneumonia patients also develop bacterial pneumonia.
Ceftriaxone 2 gm IV q24 hours x 5 days,
Plus pick one:
Usually: Azithromycin 500 mg IV q24 hours x 5 days, or
If concern for MRSA: Doxycycline 200 mg IV x 1, then 100 mg IV q12 hours for 10 days
For symptom relief
Tessalon perles (aka benzonatate) PRN cough
Guaifenesin (with or without codeine) PRN cough
Ipratropium-albuterol nebulizer treatments PRN shortness of breath
Acetaminophen PRN pain/fever/headache
DVT prophylaxis
Pick your favorite prophylaxis:
Lovenox 30-40 mg SQ q24 hours (normal prophylactic dose, adjusted for renal function if necessary), or
If kidney injury: Heparin 10K units q8-12 hours